On April 12, 2015, a 25 years old African American man named Freddie Gray was taken into custody by the Baltimore Police Department for supposedly possessing a switchblade. While being transported by the police, Gray fell into a coma and was taken to a trauma center where he died on April 19, 2015. According to the Washington Post, Grey died of multiple and severe injuries. The circumstances of the injuries were unclear at first; however, witnesses stated that the officers involved had operated with unnecessary use of force against Gray while arresting him (this claim was denied by an officer involved). A report supported by a medical investigation found that Gray sustained the injuries while in transport.
After Gray's funeral on April 27, the streets of Baltimore were invaded by protestors who were seeking truth and justices for this young man's murder or who were showing support to Gray's family. The arrest of some protestors by the police turned the demonstration into a confrontation between police forces and protestors. Later on, the protestation became a riot: the crowed gathered in front of the police station and pelted officers with rocks, plastic bottles, eggs, etc. Several patrol cars and store's fronts were smashed.
On May 1, the chief prosecutor for the city of Baltimore charged 5 of the 6 officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray with crime including illegal arrest, manslaughter and murder.
Police men and women represent the authority and they are supposed to inspire security among the population. What are we suppose to do if the people that are here to protect us are the very same people who terrify us and kill us? The behaviors of some officers show that the police system of the country is broken and some changes have to be made! Actions as the one taken by the city of Baltimore against the officers are really important because it sends a positive message to the people of this country. Nobody is above the law, not even authorities figures. Every person that commit a crime must be punish regardless of his race, his culture or, his position in society.
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