Friday, April 17, 2015

Same Sex Marriage

   This article called "Is Banning Same Sex Marriage unconstitutional?" has been written by Amy Huynh on her blog "Good Ole' America". In this article she is talking about same sex marriage and specifically arguing about whether or not banning same sex marriage is unlawful. Indeed, she is defending same sex marriage by Stating that prohibiting those kind of unions are outlawed.
I agree with her point of view because I also believe that everyone should be free to be with whoever they feel comfortable with. Beside , she is supporting her argument with relevant facts such as the bill of rights and the declaration of independence. According to this article, banning same sex marriage violates the first amendment imposing the state religion and its view against individuals. She also made a good point by saying that the society has evolved for the better over the time, therefore making same sex marriage legal must follow.

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