Friday, February 27, 2015

Can it really be beneficial ?

        In this article by CBSNEWS called "opinion: Medical Marijuana Benefits," the author talks about marijuana and some of its positive effects on people. Indeed, he is defending that marijuana should be legalized for medical purpose. He points out that therapeutic marijuana has been used over decades and it is very affective in cases such as appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, spasticity, glaucoma, pain, and weight loss…

I agree with what the author is saying because I find this article informative of the actual benefit of this plant. Most of the time, the media and the world depict marijuana as a harmful substance that cannot do any good. In this paper, the author make valid point and gives valuable raisons for why marijuana should be legalized. He references expert such as Mitch Earleywine and, he even inform us about safe ways to consume marijuana.

I feel like this article is aim to touch every generation, from teenagers to young adult to people of third age. Nobody is protected from sickness and, we all know someone suffering of appetite loss, weight loss or even pain. In a long term, chemical drugs is dangerous for our body and, marijuana could represent a more natural way to ill some disorders. However, legalize marijuana for medical purposes do not mean everyone will be free to use it as he or she see fit. 

Even thought I agree with the author point of view, I think he could have made his argumentation stronger by using more facts and by giving more details about the different research made about medical marijuana.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

What you should know about yourself.

As we speak, Your privacy is been violated by the U.S government. How far the government is allowed to go in order to pursue national security?
According to this guardian's article, the NSA has been collecting phone records of millions of American citizens. Indeed, a secret court order requires Verizon to give phone records of all its costumers on a daily basis to The National Security Agency.
As individuals living under U.S government policies and law, we should all be aware of how the United States' government is violating our privacy. This article gives us a great amount of information about the government’s actions affecting all of us. We should all acknowledge theses facts in order to do something about it and try to get our privacy back.